Fridge Triticale

A tall winter variety that has excellent winter survival throughout the Midwest.


Fridge Triticale is a genetic cross between wheat (Triticum) and rye (Secale) and has the ability to reproduce itself. It is higher in protein and palatability than wheat and common rye, and is an excellent small grain for pasture, hay, or haylage. In general, the variety is recognized by strong stems, dark medium green foliage color, and long, awnletted spikes (not bearded). Fridge Triticale relies on rapid, early growth and stand height to produce tonnage.

Planting Conditions:

  • Seed 100 to 120 lbs per acre September through October
  • Fertility requirements: 40 lbs P, 80 lbs K in the fall
  • 80 to 100 lbs N in the spring
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